To curl in Leagues you must register with a FULL Membership or LIMITED Membership. Full Membership includes curling in one league. Additional leagues are generally $125 each. LIMITED Membership may limit you to a single league which is included in your Membership fee.
Learn more by selecting one of the leagues that interest you from the list below.
Monday Open
Convenor: Spencer Eklund
The Monday Open League, while modestly competitive, is primarily a recreational league and is open to all participants. Draws are at 5:30PM and 7:45PM. You can choose your own team prior to registering, or you can join a team after registering as an individual. This league typically fills with returning teams. Please contact the convener before registering as a new player or new team for this league.
On Mondays nights, one team will be responsible for an evening meal or light snack for all teams, providing an opportunity to share in curling’s historical appeal of “broomstacking” and camaraderie.
Good Curling!
Tuesday Open
Convenor: Keith Schretenthaler
The Tuesday Open League is a recreational league open to male and female participants. This league is a great place for new and experienced curlers to play in a full-season recreational league. The weekly draw times include 1 or 2 - 5:30 and 4 - 7:45 pm matches. You can choose your own team prior to registering or sign up as an individual. We’ll work to create teams as best as we can. Please get signed up, we have spots available for your team!
Wednesday Drop-In
Convenor: Rich Devriend
This single draw, 6 end recreational league begins curling at 1:00 pm on Wednesdays. Game play and “Broomstacking” generally takes about 2 hours. It is an open league and all ECCC registered curlers are welcome to participate -FREE- as their availability dictates, thus providing maximum individual flexibility. There are no defined teams, as positions are drawn each week and numerous variations of play are employed, depending on the number of participants. If you’re new to curling, this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the sport in an informal setting. Join us as you can and enjoy some curling and conversation.
Those curling ONLY in this league should select the “Drop-In” League Membership when registering. The fee is significantly discount. All ECCC registered curlers are welcome. No need to sign up for this league. Feel free to just show up any Wednesday.
Wednesday Open
Convenor: Nick Gagnon
This competitive league has two flights and is open to male and female participants. Draws are 5:30 and 7:45 PM. You can choose your own team prior to registering or be assigned to an open position. While it is a competitive league, recreational curlers are welcome and will have the opportunity to participate in advanced curling techniques and learn from experienced members. Each week one team is responsible for an evening meal for all other teams, providing an opportunity to share in curling’s historical draw of “broomstacking” and camaraderie.
This league typically fills with returning teams. Please contact convener before registering as a new player or new team for this league.
Thursday Open
Convenor: Alex Nicholson
This competitive league has two flights and is open to male and female participants. Draws are 5:30 and 7:45PM. You can choose your own team prior to registering or be assigned to an open position. While it is a competitive league, recreational curlers are welcome and will have the opportunity to participate in advanced curling techniques and learn from experienced members. Each week one team is responsible for an evening meal for all other teams, providing an opportunity to share in curling’s historical draw of “broomstacking” and camaraderie.
This league typically fills with returning teams. Please contact convener before registering as a new player or new team for this league.
Friday Mixed
Convenor: Paula Stanton
The Friday mixed league is a social league made up of teams of two men and two women. This is a great fun league that features pot luck dinners and special theme nights. Experienced and new curlers alike are encouraged to join to share in some recreational curling and socialization. If you’re new, we’ll help you learn the sport as the season progresses. Draw time is around 6:30-ish.
There is a significant discount available to Friday League curlers to recognize reduced curling due to bonspiels and special events.
Sunday Half Season - Fall
Convenors: Adam Shiel and Matt Walukas
If you’re looking for a great way to get introduced to curling without a full season commitment, this “laid back” recreational league is for you! Each half season league starts a week after a Learn To Curl (LTC) for a hands-on introduction to curling. New curlers are strongly encouraged to attend the LTC, but it's not necessary to attend the LTC to be in the league. The league is approximately 8 weeks of play. Each Half-Season league is open to anyone 12 years and older. All necessary equipment is provided by the club. All you need is a clean pair of rubber soled shoes and warm clothing. To join the league you must register for the FALL OR WINTER Sunday Half-Season Membership and associated league.
The FALL Half Season League begins October 29 or one week after a LTC on October 22. Draws times are TBD. We’re trying to work around the Packer’s schedule so some weeks may be different. Bonspiels or special events may change times too.
The WINTER Half-Season League begins January 21 or one week after the January 14 LTC. Draw times are TBD. If we exceed 8 teams a second round will be scheduled. Again, draw times may be pushed back in due to a Bonspiel or special event.
The Half-Season Membership Fee includes one Half-Season League and is a discounted Membership at $130 per curler. The FALL Membership expires on December 31. If you were a FALL Half-Season Member and wish to curl in the WINTER Half-Season League you need to register for the WINTER Half-Season Membership and League in January. Cost is $130. Other ECCC club members may join either or both Half Season Leagues for $35 each. Contact the Club Manager [email protected] if you have questions about Memberships.
Sign up as an individual or with a friend/s! Please contact the league convener with questions or if you do not have a team.