Learn More About Curling


This excerpt is taken from the World Curling Federation handbook:
Curling is a game of skill and of traditions. A shot well executed is a delight to see and so, too, it is a fine thing to observe the time-honoured traditions of curling being applied in the true spirit of the game. Curlers play to win but never to humble their opponents. A true curler would prefer to lose rather than win unfairly.

A good curler never attempts to distract an opponent or otherwise prevent him from playing his best. No curler ever deliberately breaks a rule of the game or any of its traditions. But, if he should do so inadvertently and be aware of it, he is the first to divulge the breach.

While the main object of the game of curling is to determine the relative skill of the players, the spirit of the game demands good sportsmanship, kindly feeling and honorable conduct. This spirit should influence both the interpretation and application of the rules of the game and also the conduct of all participants on and off the Ice.


Curling is a sport where tradition, etiquette, and good sportsmanship are abundant. 

These Rules of Etiquette are stated for new curlers to learn. It is recognized that experienced curlers, while having practiced these courtesies and good sportsmanship principles for many years, can always use a reminder.

  1. Practice Good Sportsmanship, kindly feelings and honorable conduct: Curlers play to win, but never to humble their opponents. A true curler would prefer to lose rather than win unfairly. Each curler should be the first to divulge any breach of rules or traditions. This spirit should influence both the rules interpretation and application and participant conduct.
  2. Practice on another sheet: If you arrive early to throw a few practice stones or warm up, please avoid using the sheet designated for your game.
  3. Be on time: Get to the club early enough to be ready to curl at the appointed time. If you know you’ll be unavoidably late, let your team know ahead.
  4. Get a sub: If you are unable to make a game as scheduled, it is your responsibility to get a substitute and notify your skip and give him/her the sub's name.
  5. Keep the ice clean: The shoes you wear to curl should be only for curling. Sand and grit from street shoes can ruin the ice surface. ALWAYS clean your shoes before entering the curling area.
  6. Start with a handshake: At the beginning of each game, greet the members of the opposing team with a handshake and tell them your name, and wish them “Good Curling!” Make sure everyone knows everyone else.
  7. Be ready: Get into the hack as soon as your opponent has delivered his/her stone. Keep the game moving – delays detract from the sport. Be prepared to sweep as soon as your teammate releases the rock. When finished sweeping, sweepers should return to the hog line at the throwing end and remain at the sideline.
  8. Be courteous: Avoid distracting movements when a curler is in the hack. When your team is not shooting, keep your distance and stand quietly at the sides of the near throwing hog line. Never walk or run across the sheet while a curler is in the hack.
  9. Compliment a good shot: One of the nicest curling traditions is that players and spectators compliment a good shot by either side while holding comment on a poor shot or a competitor’s misfortune.
  10. Skips and thirds manage the game: Only skips and thirds are allowed in the house and behind the tee line during play. Vice skips determine the score, handle any measurements unless a referee is available and hang the points on the scoreboard. Others should remain out of the house until the outcome is determined. They may assist with clearing the house at that time. The opposition shall not be allowed to sweep the opponent’s stone until it has reached the tee line and beyond.
  11. Ice cleaning duties: When the game is finished it is customary for the losing team to clean the hacks and ice, reset the scoreboard and generally check the area including removal of beverage containers. No beverages are allowed on the ice or at the far end.
  12. Finish with a handshake: When the game is completed, offer each player a hearty handshake and say, “Good Game,” regardless of the outcome. The winning curlers traditionally offer their counterparts some refreshment.

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